This month

Energy and power is my focus for this month.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Choklit Phamlee

Welcome to the post about my family, The Choklit Phamlee. Who are we? Well! We are a family of 3 at the moment, and we are waiting for just a moment till we become a family of more, it could be a long moment, or a short one. Only time will tell. But there are 3 of us right now: Uncle Choklit, Ms Choklit and L’il Coco.

Well, Uncle Choklit is not actually my uncle, but my husband. He is known in our home as Daddy, Baba, Honey, Baibee or Love Chunks. I, Ms Choklit, am his beloved wife. I am also known to some as Mommie, I get called honey too sometimes, but on most days, Love Chunks calls me Babe. On this blog, we are simply The Choklit Phamlee: Uncle Choklit, Ms Choklit and L’il Coco. How did we come to be The Choklit Phamlee, you may ask? It is the sweetest story and it all began with Love Chunks and the sweetest little girl.

A dear friend of mine had the most beautiful baby girl, sweet little Grace*. Love Chunks, who is an avid chocolate lover, always made sure that Grace got her fair share of chocolate once a week. In fact her mom had to budget in her chocolate time as Grace soon became accustomed to receiving her weekly shot of that good old chocolate high. I wonder if that’s why she is so sweet? It so happened that one night as Grace said her bedtime prayers, she prayed for everyone she knew, and she prayed for us too. She said, "God bless mommie and daddy, and all my cousins and my friends. God bless my neighbours and teachers and… and… And God bless Auntie Babe and UncleChoklit... oh, I mean Uncle Love Chunks!" She quickly corrected herself as soon as she had realised what she had said. Her mom told us the whole story and it was just the sweetest thing to hear.

We are what we are to our kids and on that night as Grace said her prayers, Love Chunks became Uncle Choklit.

When I started this blog, I was not even sure what I would call it, or how I wanted to relate to it. I am still figuring things out. Over the years I have been a frequent visitor to a blog belonging to one of my dear friends. I would comment on occasion, until one day I decided to comment with an alias. As soon as I had used my cyber name, Ms Choklit, my friend knew exactly who I was. Do you know why? Because she is Grace’s mom.

Skipping a few years into the future and even after moving a couple of continents away, our chocolate identity grew on us, and I believe it remains with our sweet little Grace. Very soon after I had announced I was pregnant, the name L’il Coco emerged for my blossoming bump. I am not too sure, but I could guess that sweet little Grace had a lot to do with that as well.

And so…

Our little family became The Choklit Phamlee.

*well, sort of

1 comment:

  1. Where's the 'like' button on here? :) I looooove chocolate, so it goes without saying that I totally love your gorgeous little family too! Only wish I could see L'il Coco in person and not just online. One day, one day :) xx
