This month

Energy and power is my focus for this month.

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Baby!

She is a determined, persistent, confident, mischievous, cunning, strong willed, active, loveable, unbelievably mature, sassy, fit, intelligent, energetic, spirited, sweet, talkative, independent, picky, ‘won’t take no for an answer’, amazingly special little girl. And she is only 8! 8 months old, that is! She is my first born baby girl. Not that I have any other children or will… yet.

Where do I start with her? Why not at the very, very, very beginning when I first found out that she would make an appearance into the world after roughly 7 and a half months.

We were just entering into spring; life was getting happier and livelier as this marked yet another end to the long cold winter, which is often very depressing for me. Chok-lette was in town and we were looking forward to having great times together. I was also quite thankful that she was here as UncleChoklit was due to travel overseas for a couple of weeks. The weekend before UncleChoklit travelled, it so happened that I felt a bit off, with a dull headache; hayfever, obviously! By Monday morning I felt terribly off, I had never felt that way before. I had a headache, not one I had ever felt before, I felt fluey, nausea and my body was so weak. I was sick and thought I might be dying as this feeling was completely new to me (hyperbole). I took the day off work. By evening, I was much better, in fact, we went out to a party that night. On a school night! Yes, well, it was an exclusive party that one of our friends managed to get us into. No, we did not even personally know the birthday girl, but she was related to someone famous whose surname rhymed with Secombe. I did have a little fun, but parties and clubbing in the middle of the week is not really my thing. Why not? I have to wake up very early in the morning to drive an hour to work. The later I leave home, the longer it takes to travel in peak hour traffic. So, yes, we partied like rock stars on a school night, I actually felt a bit naughty. Shortly before he left for his journey, UncleChoklit made fun of me for skiving off work sick in the day to party at night, and then he cracked a joke that I might be pregnant; to explain my erratic behaviour. I did not give it a second thought. Mainly due to the fact that I had just found out something about myself that could have affected my future with children. I may share more on that story in future.

So life went on and off he went. I must have felt a bit better the next day as I did go to work. I did not feel terribly ill any longer but I do remember sometime during the week that I felt queasy as I drove in to work and I had to stop at a service station to buy a bottle of coke. By the weekend, Chok-lette and I were getting ready to go out to a number of weekend events as was our routine. Friday there was often salsa class, Saturday there was yet another party, someone’s going away party. Friday night at salsa was significant for me. I did not feel up to speed, but I danced. I remember during one of the classes, I watched our dance instructor. She was pregnant, I watched her. Then somehow something from deep within me said, “Lord, please let this be a ba…”. That was all. This statement had so much more meaning to me than just it being a petition, it was more like an acceptance of the gift that was bestowed upon me. Deep down inside, I must have known of the miracle that had taken place.

Saturday! I felt terrible, I was tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. Evening came and I had decided I was NOT going out. Chok-lette convinced me otherwise, so off we went. It was a good night, but a huge effort. Our friends at the party put my sickness down to missing UncleChoklit. I missed him, terribly. The next day, still this feeling of being off lingered. I then thought to myself, what if UncleChoklit is right? What if I am preggers? I feel nauseous, I have headaches, a type that I have never felt before, I want to sleep all the time. Off I went to get a pregnancy test! I was very casual about it, not taking it very seriously as this was not the first time I had taken a pregger test. I will tell you that story soon.

Pee’d on a stick and voila! It was confirmed. I was so happy, I felt so hopeful, I just wanted to smile and I couldn’t wait to tell UncleChoklit. I sent him a photo of the evidence straight away then I told him over the phone the next evening. He just wanted to fly back to share the bliss with me. It was true bliss, the feelings that we felt. It felt right, it was real, it was perfect and we were ready.

L’il Coco, you are welcome my lovely baby!

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