This month

Energy and power is my focus for this month.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Digging deeper


I often think about what I really want my blog to be about. Do I want to focus on being a parent, my pursuit of a better relationship with my Lord God, my hair, my favourite recipes or simply just everyday things in my life? I think about the everyday things and then wonder why anyone would want to read everyday happenings of an unknown person. Well, yeah of course some people obsess about other people's lives; why wouldn't anyone want to read about how Beyonce does her hair, or what Jennifer Lopez is cooking for dinner? But this is just me. Hmmmm, maybe it is a good idea to share my blog with people who matter to me. Like my family and friends, allowing them to get to know the real me. I will think about it.

Let me get back to the matter at hand. Today I read a great forward e-mailed by my Dad, UncleChoklit's Dad! Read it here. I always remember what my dearest spiritual mom at my church told me before UncleChoklit and I got married. I asked her about love. She said it was simple. Love is all about forgiveness. I have really held on to those words, and shared them with others as it made such an impact on me that something so simple is so powerful.

I love you as I love myself, I love you everyday. I forgive you as I forgive myself, I forgive you everyday.

Trust is important too. Is it inevitable that it will be broken at some stage in our lives? If so, it is a very scary predicament that we may all have to face one day and perhaps it might be good to know what to do to maintain trust that can never be broken. How is it protected so it is NEVER broken? It is better not to break it, however if it breaks, is there hope that it can be fixed, how is it fixed?

I can think of trust from an engineering point of view. Before we hop into an aeroplane, or drive over a bridge, we have to have a great deal of trust that an extremely heavy object will fly, or that a bunch of bricks suspended in thin air will not suddenly crumble. Both these things have limitations, a plane will never carry more than it can bear, neither will a bridge. They are capable of carrying more than allowed, only for a short while. But if they are to be both in it for the long haul, load bearing limitations or boundaries will need to be adhered to. Strict maintenance schedules are also essential until one day the engineering structure is retired (death). Could this be what is needed to maintain trust: boundaries?

The engineering mind does not give hope in explaining how broken trust can be fixed, in fact crashes, loss of life, death and destruction is a pretty grim picture. When a plane carries more than it's engines (heart) can bear, it fails. It crashes. It is finished.

What about broken trust? In all honesty, things can be swept under the carpet though they remain, but can broken trust ever be fixed?

Much love to you all.

PS. I have more to share on this very soon

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