This month

Energy and power is my focus for this month.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Google and Not Utilities

Before I start this topic, let me tell you a funny story about why this video jumped out at me. For a long time I have been trying to improve my career, and knowledge on issues of global importance. Hehe, that sentence almost fell into the buzz word trap. I have attended seminars and meetings in recent months which have centred around engineering, development, and disaster relief. I decided I would try to deepen my knowledge in these issue through formal education and have applied for a number of post graduate courses. It so happened that at one of my events focused on Engineering for Development, I met a professor representing a faculty at one of the Universities I applied to.

We had a chat and I expressed that I was interested in his course, and had actually applied for it. I then went into a little bit of small talk, which, by the way, is never small talk to us people belonging to the world of the built environment because we are genuine, honest and humble people… really, we are! So, I started talking about how I would love to be a part of the course as it focuses on a lot of topics of interest. I then went on to say that normally, people would go for a course such as the MBA or another business related course. However, I was more interested in this course as I did not really want to move away from my discipline. I should have kept my mouth shut at this point, but I went on to say that it is not as if I want to go out and work for Google or some other geeky organisation like it. He laughed, and I would like to believe that he got the gist of what I was trying to say.

Fast forward a couple of months later and what do I come across? The following article on how Google, and NOT Utilities will make a difference to global energy issue.

Who is eating their words now eh?

Google and Not Utilities can Save the Energy Industry - The Google Powermeter

Jens Redmer, Director of Business Development Europe, Google

From: Smart Metering 2010

2010-03-02 00:00:00.0 Power Channel

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